Does Zoom Flip Your Image?

By default, Zoom does not flip your image. It displays your video as-is without any automatic mirroring or flipping. However, during video calls, you may see a mirrored version of yourself on your own screen while others see you normally.

Understanding Image Flipping on Zoom

When referring to image flipping on Zoom, it typically means the horizontal flip or mirror effect applied to your own video feed. By default, Zoom mirrors your video display locally on your screen during a video call. This means that you see a mirrored version of yourself, as if you were looking into a mirror. However, this mirroring does not affect how others see you; they see your video feed without any flipping or mirroring.

The purpose of this feature is to create a more intuitive experience for users during video calls. When you see yourself mirrored, it appears as if you are directly facing others on the call, similar to a face-to-face conversation.

Common causes of image flipping on Zoom

The common causes of image flipping on Zoom can be attributed to the following factors:

  • Local settings: Zoom provides an option called “Mirror my video” that, when enabled, mirrors your own video feed locally on your screen. If this setting is turned on, you will see a flipped or mirrored version of your video, but others will see it normally. Checking or unchecking this option can control the mirroring effect.
  • Webcam settings: Some webcams have built-in mirror or flip settings. If your webcam’s settings are configured to flip or mirror the image, it will be reflected in Zoom as well. You can check your webcam settings or consult its documentation to adjust this behavior.
  • Third-party software: If you are using third-party software or camera utilities that alter the video output, they may introduce image flipping. These software applications might have their own settings or configurations that affect the video feed seen in Zoom.
  • Graphics card or driver settings: In certain cases, graphics card settings or driver configurations may impact how Zoom displays the video. For example, some graphics cards may offer options to flip or mirror the display output, which can affect the video feed.
  • Technical glitches: On rare occasions, technical glitches or compatibility issues between Zoom and the hardware or software components of your system could cause unexpected image flipping. Updating Zoom and your system’s drivers to the latest versions can help resolve such issues.

The Technical Aspects of Image Flipping on Zoom

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When it comes to image flipping on Zoom, there are a few technical aspects to consider:

  • Video processing: Zoom employs video processing algorithms to handle video streams during calls. These algorithms can manipulate the video in various ways, such as adjusting the video quality, resolution, and orientation. In the case of image flipping, Zoom applies a local mirroring effect to the user’s video feed, creating a mirrored version of the video on their own screen.
  • Local display: The mirrored video feed is displayed locally on the user’s screen, simulating a reflection. This means that the user sees themselves as if they were looking into a mirror. The purpose of this mirroring effect is to make the video call experience more intuitive and natural, as it appears as if the user is making direct eye contact with the other participants.
  • Video transmission: Despite the local mirroring effect, Zoom does not transmit the mirrored video feed to other participants. The video stream sent to other participants remains unaltered, without any flipping or mirroring. This ensures that other participants see the user’s video feed as it is, without any changes to the orientation.
  • Settings control: Zoom provides users with control over the mirroring effect through the “Mirror my video” setting. By enabling or disabling this setting in the Zoom app’s video settings, users can choose whether to see the mirrored version of their video feed on their own screen. However, this setting does not affect how others see the user’s video.

It’s important to note that image flipping on Zoom is a local display feature, primarily intended to enhance the user’s experience. Other participants in the Zoom call see the user’s video feed without any mirroring or flipping, regardless of the user’s local display settings.

Troubleshooting Image Flipping Issues on Zoom

Here are some troubleshooting steps to address image flipping issues on Zoom:

  • Check “Mirror my video” setting: Verify the “Mirror my video” option in the Zoom app’s video settings. If it is enabled, your video will appear mirrored on your own screen. Disable this option if you prefer to see your video without flipping.
  • Adjust webcam settings: Check your webcam’s settings for any built-in mirror or flip options. If such settings are enabled, it can cause the image to flip in Zoom as well. Consult your webcam’s documentation or manufacturer’s website to learn how to adjust these settings.
  • Close conflicting applications: If you’re running any third-party software or camera utilities that could affect the video output, close them temporarily and relaunch Zoom. These applications may introduce image flipping or alter the video feed.
  • Update drivers: Ensure your graphics card drivers are up to date. Outdated or incompatible drivers can sometimes cause unexpected behavior, including image flipping. Visit the website of your graphics card manufacturer to download and install the latest drivers.
  • Restart and update: Restart your computer to refresh the system and then check for any available updates for both Zoom and your operating system. Keeping your software up to date can resolve compatibility issues and address potential bugs.
  • Test on another device: If possible, try using Zoom on a different device to see if the image flipping issue persists. This can help determine if the problem is specific to your current device or settings.
  • Contact Zoom support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, reach out to Zoom’s customer support for further assistance. They can provide specific guidance and help troubleshoot any technical problems you’re experiencing.


In conclusion, image flipping on Zoom is a feature that reflects your own video feed locally on your screen, creating a mirrored version of the video. This mirroring effect is intended to make your video calls feel more natural, as if you are making direct eye contact with other participants.
