Can Thermal Imaging See Through Glass?

Thermal imaging cameras cannot see through glass. Glass is a poor conductor of heat, and thermal imaging relies on detecting and measuring the heat emitted by objects. When thermal radiation encounters glass, it is partially reflected and partially absorbed or transmitted. As a result, the thermal imaging camera captures the thermal energy emitted by the glass itself rather than the objects behind it.

What is Thermal Imaging?

Thermal imaging is a technology that allows the visualization of heat energy emitted by objects. It works by detecting and converting the infrared radiation emitted by objects into a visible image. Instead of relying on visible light, thermal imaging cameras capture the differences in temperature and present them as a color-coded image or video.

Thermal imaging is based on the principle that all objects emit a certain amount of heat energy, known as thermal radiation, which is invisible to the human eye. By measuring and interpreting this radiation, thermal cameras can create a visual representation of the temperature variations in a scene.

How Does Thermal Imaging Work?

JOA 19 ExpertDecider

Thermal imaging works by capturing and interpreting the infrared radiation, or heat energy, emitted by objects. Here’s a simplified explanation of how it works:

  • Detection: A thermal imaging camera contains a special sensor called a micro bolometer, which is sensitive to infrared radiation. When the camera is turned on, the sensor detects the infrared energy emitted by objects in its field of view.
  • Conversion: The detected infrared radiation is converted into an electrical signal by the microbolometer sensor. Each pixel on the sensor corresponds to a specific temperature reading.
  • Signal Processing: The electrical signals from the sensor are processed by the camera’s onboard processor. The processor applies algorithms to interpret the temperature data and assigns colors or shades to different temperature ranges.
  • Image Display: The processed thermal data is displayed on the camera’s screen as a visual image or video. Different colors or shades represent different temperatures, allowing the viewer to identify variations in heat signatures.
  • Enhancements: Advanced thermal imaging cameras may offer additional features such as temperature measurement tools, image fusion with visible light, or the ability to record and store thermal data.

How Does Glass Interact with Thermal Energy?

Glass interacts with thermal energy in several ways:

  • Transmission: Glass is a transparent material for thermal radiation, meaning it allows a significant amount of infrared energy to pass through it. When thermal radiation encounters glass, a portion of it is transmitted, allowing the energy to continue through the material.
  • Reflection: Glass also reflects a portion of thermal radiation. When infrared energy hits the surface of glass, it can be partially reflected back. The reflectivity of glass depends on factors such as the angle of incidence, the type of glass, and its coatings.
  • Absorption: Some of the thermal energy incident on glass is absorbed. The glass material absorbs a fraction of the incoming thermal radiation, converting it into heat within the glass itself.

Overall, glass has a limited effect on thermal energy. It allows a significant portion of infrared radiation to pass through it (transmission), reflects some of the energy, and absorbs a small portion. This behavior is why thermal imaging cameras cannot see through glass as it primarily captures the thermal energy emitted by objects and struggles to penetrate or differentiate objects behind glass barriers.

The Capabilities of Thermal Imaging through Glass

Thermal imaging has limitations when it comes to viewing objects through glass. Here are the key considerations regarding its capabilities:

  • Limited Penetration: Thermal imaging cannot penetrate solid materials like glass. When attempting to view objects through glass, the camera captures the thermal energy emitted by the glass itself rather than the objects behind it.
  • Reflections and Glare: Glass surfaces can reflect thermal energy, causing reflections and glare. These reflections can obscure the view of objects behind the glass and make it challenging to obtain clear thermal images.
  • Temperature Differences: Thermal imaging relies on detecting temperature variations to create images. When viewing objects through glass, the temperature differences may be less pronounced due to the insulating properties of the glass, resulting in less distinct thermal signatures.
  • Dependence on Glass Type: The performance of thermal imaging through glass can vary depending on the type of glass. Different types of glass have different transmission and reflection properties, affecting the amount of thermal energy that can pass through or be reflected.

Limitations and Challenges of Thermal Imaging through Glass

Thermal imaging through glass poses several limitations and challenges that affect its effectiveness. Here are the key considerations:

  • Obstruction of Thermal Signatures: Glass acts as a barrier to thermal energy, obstructing the view of objects behind it. This limits the ability of thermal imaging to capture accurate temperature readings and distinguish thermal signatures of objects.
  • Reflections and Glare: Glass surfaces can cause reflections and glare, which interfere with the thermal imaging process. These reflections can obscure the details of objects behind the glass, making it difficult to interpret the thermal image accurately.
  • Transmission Loss: While some thermal energy can pass through glass, there is a loss of energy during transmission. The insulating properties of glass can reduce the intensity of the thermal radiation, resulting in less distinct temperature variations and reduced image quality.
  • Temperature Equalization: Glass has a thermal equalizing effect, meaning it tends to even out temperature differences. As a result, when viewing objects through glass, the temperature variations may appear less pronounced, making it challenging to identify subtle temperature differences.
  • Glass Type and Thickness: The type and thickness of glass can impact the transmission and reflection of thermal energy. Different types of glass have varying properties, which can affect the clarity and accuracy of thermal imaging through glass barriers.


In conclusion, thermal imaging through glass presents challenges and limitations that impact its effectiveness. Glass acts as a barrier to thermal energy, obstructing the view of objects behind it and causing reflections and glare. The transmission loss of thermal energy through glass and the equalizing effect it has on temperature variations further complicate the interpretation of thermal images.
